Sunday 8 January 2017

New Years Hedolutions!

Okay, that pun wasn't that great, but I couldn't resist. Anyway.
Morning all! With the first week of 2017 behind us, I decided it was about time I sorted out my new years resolutions.
I grabbed some paper...
...and some pencils...
...then sat down to get started with my poster!
Once seated, I realised that I didn't actually know what my resolutions were yet! I couldn't think of anything specific that I needed to improve at, nor could I think of just one new thing that I wanted to give a go.
After a while of thinking I figured out what my resolutions should be, and finished my poster!
Ta Daaa! Do you like it? I decided to hang it up in place of my snowman poster, seeing as Christmas is over now.
In the end, I decided my resolutions could be vague but still very important, I think my 2017 will be great if I follow them!

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