Saturday 31 December 2016

Heddy New Year!

Last day of the year, 
Awake 'till morning.
Eyelids heavy,
Can't stop yawning.
Here we go,
Count down from ten,
Watching, waiting,
Until when
A new year starts,
With excitement (or dread!)
I'm off to bed.
"Heddy" new year!
(Haha, I thought I'd start off 2017 with a pun!)

Tuesday 27 December 2016

A Very Heddy Christmas

Morning everyone! It's Christmas!!! Or at the very least, it was, I'm a bit late in getting this post up. (Sorry, I got a bit wrapped up in the Christmas hustle and bustle... Get it? Wrapped? Hahaha!) Anyway, back to Christmas morning. I was so excited when I got up, I could hardly contain myself.
I rushed out of my room to check my "Heddy sized tree" for presents!
And, just as I'd hoped, there they were! Yay!
There were four gifts, two wrapped and two pretty golden boxes, I couldn't wait to see what was inside them!
First I opened a wrapped one, it had something soft inside, but I couldn't think what.
As I tore the paper, I saw a collection of pretty fabrics.
It was a dress! I love the colour combo, I knew it would look great on me. I made a mental note to try it on later.
The next present I opened was the second wrapped one, inside it was...
...a kitty ear headband! Too cute! 
Next I moved onto one of the boxes, I made sure to open the smallest one first, to leave the biggest surprise for last.
I pulled off the lid and threw my hands in the air out of joy, I couldn't believe it...
...Iwako figures! I got a crocodile and a smiling hippo, I love them so much! I dragged my attention from my new favourite toys to the last (and biggest) remaining box.
I opened this last one slower, I didn't want it to end! It seemed there was more than one thing inside, so I took them out one at a time.
The first was a turquoise giraffe...
...the second was a bear in a hoodie...
...and the third was a unicorn! Ahh I love them all so much!
I'm so happy with all my presents, I can't believe how lucky I am! I can't wait to play with my new figures! Happy Christmas!

Saturday 24 December 2016

Half-Hearted Holiday Decorating

Hello All! With the holiday season upon us, I figured it was about time for some holiday decorations to make my room feel a little more festive.
However, when I asked her, mum said she had already used up all of the Christmas decorations! That didn't stop me though, I did a little bit of "borrowing" from some other areas of the house and this is what I managed to find.

Ta daaa! Yep, that's it. One measly bauble. I also got this poster with the snowman and the snowdog on it, but it's still nothing spectacular, is it?
I was so disappointed! I could hardly ask mum to go and get some decorations just for me, especially not as she'd just got me an awesome set of rainbow drawers and a new desk lamp.
It's not all bad news though, on my hunt I actually found a "perfectly Heddy sized tree", the only problem is there's no space for it in my room. Though never fear! I haven't given up yet. I'll find somewhere to put it, just you watch!
See ya later!

Monday 19 December 2016

Tidying My Room

Hey guys! Are you a messy person? I don't think I'm particularly messy, I just tend to let my creativity run wild sometimes, leaving my room to fall into disarray. 
Whatever the cause, a room full of clutter (though sometimes inspiring) doesn't leave much space for creativity! When I saw the state of my room this morning, I knew it was time for a tidy up.
I got up to assess the damage.
Upon closer inspection, it seemed like a bigger job than I first thought, so I decided it was best if I approached things methodically.
I started by making my bed, then I worked my way in a circle all around the room, cleaning as I went.
I picked my plush owl off the floor (they seemed to have "flown" off my bed during the night)...
... and I straightened up my shoes.
Next I moved on to a pile of clothes that was growing on my storage trunk.
I sorted the clean clothes from the dirty ones and put the dirty ones in a neat pile at the end of my bed for my mum to collect and wash. (Thanks mum!)
After that, I had to clean the result of my late night colouring sessions, so I collected up all my pencils into their pot...
...and returned them to their rightful home on my shelving unit.
Then I placed my notebook back on my desk, ready for my next big idea! (Hopefully my next idea doesn't hit me in the middle of the night, hopefully it's the type of idea that doesn't need all of my floor space either.)
The last thing left to tidy was my chest of drawers, which was the result of a few days of rushed changing and second-guessed fashion choices.
Luckily it was easy to tuck everything back into its rightful spot, then I was done!
Tidy room, tidy mind (for now at least.)

Tuesday 13 December 2016

My Old Scrapbook!

Hello all! I was looking through my storage trunk earlier today when I found... old scrapbook!
I was so surprised, it must have been a good couple of years since I saw it last!
I excitedly opened the cover and began flipping through...
...only to be hit with countless good memories. These are some of my earliest pieces of artwork, it's amazing to see how much better I've gotten since then!
One of my favourite pages was the one with the origami fish, I thought it was so creative! I remembered putting it together and how proud of it younger Heddy had been, it made me smile.
It was sad to get to the end of the book, until I saw something, the last few pages were still empty!
I knew exactly what to do with one of those boring plain pages!
Can you tell what I did?
I'll show you.
Quite a nice little update to a (nearly!) long forgotten book, if I do say so myself.