Tuesday 13 December 2016

My Old Scrapbook!

Hello all! I was looking through my storage trunk earlier today when I found...
...my old scrapbook!
I was so surprised, it must have been a good couple of years since I saw it last!
I excitedly opened the cover and began flipping through...
...only to be hit with countless good memories. These are some of my earliest pieces of artwork, it's amazing to see how much better I've gotten since then!
One of my favourite pages was the one with the origami fish, I thought it was so creative! I remembered putting it together and how proud of it younger Heddy had been, it made me smile.
It was sad to get to the end of the book, until I saw something, the last few pages were still empty!
I knew exactly what to do with one of those boring plain pages!
Can you tell what I did?
I'll show you.
Quite a nice little update to a (nearly!) long forgotten book, if I do say so myself.

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