Saturday 3 December 2016

Getting Ready For School

Hey there everyone! Today's my first day of school! I'm really excited so I thought I'd show you how I got ready for my first day, you know, to share the excitement!
I haven't got my uniform yet, but mum said it was okay, as long as what I wore was sensible. I decided to wear a white headband (to keep my hair out of my face whilst working), ...
...a plain white top (tucked in, of course) with my red tartan skirt, ...
...and some cute white socks inside my Mary-Jane's.
Now I have to get my bag ready, I should have done it last night but I fell asleep (oops!). Here you can also see my outfit in full.
The first thing I needed was my notebooks. This is my main one for taking notes, do you like it? I decorated it with stickers!
I knew I would also need my sketchbook for my art lessons (and any extra doodles!).
Of course if I had notebooks, I needed something to use to write in them with, so next on my list was some pencils...
... and I thought I'd grab a reading book too, just for good measure!
Now I'm all ready to go to school!
Hopefully you'll hear from me soon about how it went.

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