Tuesday 27 December 2016

A Very Heddy Christmas

Morning everyone! It's Christmas!!! Or at the very least, it was, I'm a bit late in getting this post up. (Sorry, I got a bit wrapped up in the Christmas hustle and bustle... Get it? Wrapped? Hahaha!) Anyway, back to Christmas morning. I was so excited when I got up, I could hardly contain myself.
I rushed out of my room to check my "Heddy sized tree" for presents!
And, just as I'd hoped, there they were! Yay!
There were four gifts, two wrapped and two pretty golden boxes, I couldn't wait to see what was inside them!
First I opened a wrapped one, it had something soft inside, but I couldn't think what.
As I tore the paper, I saw a collection of pretty fabrics.
It was a dress! I love the colour combo, I knew it would look great on me. I made a mental note to try it on later.
The next present I opened was the second wrapped one, inside it was...
...a kitty ear headband! Too cute! 
Next I moved onto one of the boxes, I made sure to open the smallest one first, to leave the biggest surprise for last.
I pulled off the lid and threw my hands in the air out of joy, I couldn't believe it...
...Iwako figures! I got a crocodile and a smiling hippo, I love them so much! I dragged my attention from my new favourite toys to the last (and biggest) remaining box.
I opened this last one slower, I didn't want it to end! It seemed there was more than one thing inside, so I took them out one at a time.
The first was a turquoise giraffe...
...the second was a bear in a hoodie...
...and the third was a unicorn! Ahh I love them all so much!
I'm so happy with all my presents, I can't believe how lucky I am! I can't wait to play with my new figures! Happy Christmas!

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