Friday 18 November 2016

A Room Tour

Hello! Now that I've settled in, I thought it may be cool to show you what my room looks like in a bit more detail. Here's an overview of my whole room, it's not the best picture, but I tried!
We'll start off with my chest of drawers, I really like it because it's shaped like an apple! This is where I keep all of my clothes (and some toys too!). You can also see my suitcase stored next to the bed (I really look forward to actually using it someday.)
Here's a closer look at my heart garland, it took ages for me to make, but at least it looks good (plus I'm now a pro at making origami hearts!).
Next we have my bed, it's not made right now. I fixed it up right after I took the picture though, promise! In the picture you can also see my stuffed animals. 
Above my bed there is some of my artwork, they're some of my favourites that I've ever done, I'm so glad there was space to display them!
In this corner of the room there is my shelving unit, complete with all my little trinkets. I have books and my camera, as well as some of my figurines and collectibles. (And, on my less tidy days, the occasional piece of random clutter!)
Here's what it looks like on top of the shelving unit, this is where I keep my precious Danbo figure.
On the floor in this corner I keep my schoolbag (and my birdhouse inspired dolls house, but it's a little bit in the way, so mum said it might have to go into storage sometime soon).
There's also enough space for me to keep my shoes, which is good so I don't lose them (I only brought one pair with me, oops!)
On the wall above this space is my Sky Sailing poster, I love it so much!
And on the wall next to that is a colourful paperchain and a big origami heart to match my garland.
The last bit of my room is the desk area, which is where I keep my laptop (for blogging!). I also have my enormous globe and a notebook, for any ideas I may have during the day that I are just far too brilliant to forget. You can also see my storage trunk behind my desk chair.
This is probably my favourite part of my room (though I am rather fond of my bed!) because I spend so much time here!
That's my whole room, hope it wasn't too long and boring! And here's another picture of me, seeing as I didn't feature very much in this post.

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