Saturday 12 November 2016

New Clothes!

Hello, Heddy here. I'm back to blogging after my first night at my new home! Can you tell I was exhausted from the journey? I fell asleep in my clothes, I was amazed I even remembered to take off my shoes!
As you can see, I woke up looking a bit worse for wear.
But my mood changed instantly when I saw a huge white box on my bedroom floor, tied up with a pretty bow.
I jumped straight out of bed to see what it was!
It had my name on it, as well as a little note from my mum that read: 
" Heddy, Thought you might need these! -Mum ♡ "
I was so excited to see what was inside!
So I pulled off the lid, only to find... clothes!
The box was crammed full to the brim with clothes, here's just a couple of things that were inside.
I grabbed an outfit straight away and rushed off to change.
Ta Daa! What do you think?
I love all of my new clothes, the thought of wearing the same dress every day was getting a little scary (and probably smelly too)! Now all I have to worry about is fitting all of them inside my chest of drawers.
Wish me luck!

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